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Tom Roselli accepts a Certificate of Appreciation from Craig Scott, Second Chance Toys, after hundreds of gently used plastic toys are readied for their journey to their new homes. These toys were saved from being thrown away in our landfills. Now they will have a second chance to be played with and loved again!
Kohl's is a family-focused, value-oriented, specialty department store offering quality exclusive and national brand merchandise to the customer in an environment that is convenient, friendly and exciting. Kohl's has over 1,000 stores in 49 states! To learn more

Associates of the Center Square Kohl’s store work together to fill the 1-800-Got-Junk? truck with the colorful toys they collected and cleaned. The toys are headed for the School District of Philadelphia Head Start.

P1010001 P1010003 HH kids playing HH-Daniel Nearly one thousand toys were delivered to New Community Corp. programs throughout Newark including New Community Harmony House, family housing units, Youth Department, Community Hills Early Learning Center, and the Hispanic Development Corp. In just one hour, students from Evergreen and Brunner Schools in Scotch Plains, as well as Tamaques School in Westfield, collected hundreds of their “gently loved” toys. Toys were delivered to New Community Corp by 1-800-Got-Junk? franchisee owner, Drew Trautman, who volunteered his truck and manpower to make this delivery, of so many toys, a possibility. Hours later, these toys that could have been headed for the landfill, were enjoyed by children at New Community Harmony House.

Carl Bour, district manager, and Dawn Shope, team captain proudly display a Certificate of Appreciation before loading up the gently used plastic toys. Soon after, members of  Dauphin County Social Services help unload over 1,000 Second Chance Toys in bucket brigade fashion! Dauphin County director, Sue Coehick (middle) and Marjorie Ebersole, along with 1-800-Got-Junk? franchisee David Wise were sure to test out the toys before distributing to deserving children!

Kohl’s associates helped load up all the good-as-new plastic toys they worked so hard to collect, clean and tag. No sooner was the 1-800-Got-Junk? truck brimming with toys than they it was on its way to deliver the bounty to New Castle County Head Starts.

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Toys are being loaded up at the Kohl’s Mantua store to begin their journey to Tri County Head Starts in the area. On hand were the Mayor, (center) and Vincent Fabrizio, district manager, with Bronna Lipton, Second Chance Toys, to enjoy the Kohl’s National Go Green Event celebration. Children at Paulsboro Head Start can’t wait to dig in and play with the colorful plastic toys delivered that same day!

Kohl’s Cares Associates in Action show off some of the toys they collected before loading up the 1-800-Got-Junk? truck for delivery to Burlington County Head Starts. Kohl’s team members receive a Certificate of Appreciation from Second Chance Toys for their dedication to helping children and the environment. Shortly after, one of 6 truckloads of toys donated by Kohl’s associates were delivered to 9 organizations in NJ, PA and DE. Matt McGlaughlin, 1-800-Got-Junk? franchisee, shows off some of the good-as-new toys being delivered to Burlington County Head Start and its 5 other centers.


Second Chance Toys was honored this year to partner with Kohl's on their National Go Green Event. Through the Kohl's Cares Associates in Action program, volunteers collect gently used plastic toys, cleaned them, and tagged them with messages. A total of 57 Kohl's stores participated and over 6,000 toys were donated. Our partners at 1-800-Got-Junk? volunteered their resources to deliver toys to organizations in NJ, PA and DE.

NY Kids Club Help make a difference in the lives of NYC children. Bring your clean, gently used plastic toys to any one of six New York Kids Club location throughTuesday, April 26th. The toys will be distributed to homeless children throughout the city.
- 601 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan
- 169 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan
- 219 East 67th Street, Manhattan
- 38 East 22nd Street, Manhattan
- 393 South End Avenue, Manhattan
- 182 Henry Street, Brooklyn

Get ready for Spring!
A Second ChanceToy drive is being held conjunction with Wild Earth Fest at Trailside Nature & Science Center in Mountainside, NJ. Donate your clean, gently used plastic toys. There will be a bin in the main building. 

Fifty seven Kohl's stores in NJ, PA and DE participated in a unified collection of gently used plastic toys to benefit children in the nearby communities. What an amazing day.....we'll tell you more about it shortly.

Image004 Six locations are accepting donations of gently used plastic toys from April 20 - 26.
New York Kid's Club: 601 Amsterdam Avenue, New York City
New York Kid's Club: 169 Amsterdam Avenue, New York City

New York Kid's Club: 219 East 67th Street, New York City
New York Kid's Club: 38 East 22nd Street, New York City

New York Kid's Club: 393 South End Avenue, New York City

New York Kid's Club: 182 Henry Street, Brooklyn

100_0790 These great quality toys were donated and delivered to a new group in the St George area of Sydney setting up a Mobile Toy Library. These toys will be very much in demand and with our new donations from Toy Drives through local Primary Schools; we look forward to being able to deliver many more good quality plastic toys to children in need.

Great toys boys-2 The founder from Second Chance Toys of Sydney has gotton her two sons involved, both of whom are pictured with some fantastic plastic toys donated by individuals for distribution to organizations needing toys for children. The toys have since been delivered to a new playgroup started by the South-East Area Health Service for Aboriginal children in Southern Sydney.

Villawood Residential Housing-1 
Hi Cheryl,
I am very happy with the toys that have been donated by Second Chance Toys. Absolutely fantastic. The kids have already started pulling the boxes apart even before I could get them to our crèche area!
Thanks again. You've made a lot of kids very happy.
Kind Regards, Dan Grigson

Short Hills toy drive-with Madge-Photo 1 
Christ Church Nursery School (CCNS) in Short Hills and the Parents Association of CCNS (PACCNS) worked diligently, despite a couple of snow storms, to collect hundreds of gently used plastic toys for those in need. Everything from ride-ons to educational toys were gathered, sorted and checked for working batteries. About 750 toys were donated to New Community Corp. and St Rose of Lima in Newark, NJ. It took a large truck to haul it all to the over 1300 families they serve! Thank you to all who participated. Pictured with the some of the many toys collected are PACCNS co-chairs Ali Seeger (left) and Kim Sleeman (right) and in the center, Madge Wilson, Management Administrator for New Community Corp.

NCC Hispanic Development Corp.-Toy Donation-Second Chance Toys 
Martina Nuñez, program coordinator for New Community Corporation’s Hispanic Development Corp. in Newark, displays some of the toys that were picked up from the JCC in Scotch Plains, New Jersey during the toy drive sponsored on Jan 17th by Second Chance Toys. A representative of the corporation was able to pick up approximately 200 toys that will be distributed to local families. “We are so grateful to Second Chance Toys for reaching out to us about the available toys,” Nuñez said. “They are going to make a lot of children very happy!”
