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P1010004_2 A load of Second Chance Toys made their way to Harmony House Early Learning Center in Newark, NJ today. Receiving the toys were Maria Stephen (third from left), Director of Harmony House Early Learning Center along with several of the children at the facility, all of whom were eager for some play time.

Second Chance Toys is mindful of the toy hazard recall which was announced by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, affecting about 9.5 million toys in the United States.

While there are a large number of toys, which in recent months have come under scrutiny worldwide for containing dangerously high levels of chemicals and toxins, at Second Chance Toys we continue to review the rescued toys against published lists from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to ensure any toys in question are excluded from our toy donations. You can also use this Toy Recalls Database page as another helpful reference tool for toys made from as early as 1974 to today.

P1010002Delivering toys for all good girls and boys at the Arc of Morris County is Sasha Lipton (center), founder of Second Chance Toys. Receiving the toy donation are Ann Espada (left), Assistant Executive Director and Sarah Cunningham (right), Administrator, Developmental Daycare Program, both of the Arc of Morris. All children were given an individually wrapped toy to take home.

P1010001 Added to a busy summer of donating Second Chance Toys, Linda Jacob, Director of Family Support and Emily Meyers, Family Support Resource Coordinator, both of The Arc of Middlesex County, receive a wonderful supply of toys, games and puzzles for some of the older children at their facility in North Brunswick, NJ 

Arc_e_orangeSue M. Brand receives a donation of Second Chance Toys from Sasha Lipton (right) at the Shapiro Center for Infant Development, The Arc of Essex County, in East Orange, NJ

Arc_bloomfieldSasha Lipton (left) shares a donation of wrapped Second Chance Toys with Jayne Gaer, Director of In-Home Family Support Services, The Arc of Essex, at their facility in Bloomfield, NJ

P1010005Receiving a batch of Second Chance Toys with some of the children are Bill McDermott, Child Ministry Assistant and Robert Zaccone, Child Ministry Coordinator, both of the Hana Mission in Paterson, NJ.

Taking time out during a beautiful summer afternoon, P1010011_2Sasha Lipton (left), founder of Second Chance Toys, makes a toy donation to Lucy Droege, Eastern Division Associate from YoungLives and more than 25 families with young children attending a July picnic from the North Plainfield, NJ chapter.

Picture1_4Sasha Lipton is at it again, making a donation of rescued and sanitized Second Chance Toys to James Carovillano, Principal of The Arc of Union County Kohler School in Mountainside, NJ.

Picture1_3Sasha Lipton brings smiles to children at the Arc Child Center in Pompton Lakes, NJ where Ms. Eleanor Ariemma, Director of Early Childhood Services of The Arc of Bergen and Passaic receives more than 30 donated toys.

Picture1_2 Sasha Lipton, who started Second Chance Toys, donated 30 toys today to Ms. Gloria Bishop, Education Manager and Ms. Frances Jones, Director, both of Second Street Youth Center in Plainfield, NJ.

P1010030Children at The Arc of Union thought Santa Claus had shown up when Sasha Lipton, who founded Second Chance Toys, delivered over 30 toys which had been rescued and sanitized for donation.


Second Chance Toys donated reclaimed and refurbished toys to Ms. Lemira Reese, Donations Director and Ms. Virginia Díaz, Domestic Violence Response Team Coordinator, both of The Family Violence Center in Newark, NJ.
