Recycle Broken Toys with TerraCycle
Responsibly Recycle Broken, Incomplete,
or Damaged Toys with

First comes reduce, then reuse, and finally recycle! At Second Chance Toys, we know that not all toys are able to be recirculated. Whether they’re broken, incomplete, or damaged, some items just aren’t up to our standards to be rehomed to kids, leaving them on track to reach landfill eventually.
With this potential waste in mind, Second Chance Toys is so proud to announce that we are now facilitating recycling initiatives in conjunction with three TerraCycle recycling programs to close the gap on plastic toy waste.
Participating in TerraCycle Recycling programs with Second Chance Toys is Easy!
- Request a shipping label below
- Pack up broken, damaged, or incomplete toys
- Attach the shipping label and ship via UPS directly to the TerraCycle recycling facility.
Please note: Reuse comes before Recycle! If you have outplayed toys that are still in good condition (complete sets, not broken or damaged, clean) please hold these out to directly rehome to children in need during Second Chance Toys donation seasons! During April (Earth Month) and December (Holiday Season) our recipient organizations are open to receive your gently-used toys. Search for a recipient organization in the U.S.A. near you and learn how to register donations for Earth Month 2024!