Tips for Running a Successful School Collection
McGinn Elementary is in Scotch Plains, NJ, with approximately 500 students from K-4th grade. Our PTA feels lucky to have partnered with Second Chance Toys this school year as they coordinated a partnership between our school community and a local community organization that was in need of toys. We have had two successful drives this school year, collecting over 800 toys for the holidays in December and over 600 in celebration of Earth Day.
Here's how our collections are run:
• Getting the word out is key: PTA eblasts, "McGinn Moms" Facebook page
• Held for one morning only, during school drop off
• 5-10 parent volunteers and 10 fourth grader student volunteers help out
• At arrival, volunteers collect toys at each of our entries and at the car drop off line
• Toys are brought into our Multipurpose Room during the 20 minute drop off period
• Student/parent volunteers inspect and clean the toys with disposable wipes
• Toys are tested to see if they need new batteries installed
• Toys that have been cleaned and are operational are placed in a donation area
• The toys are counted and placed in large plastic garbage bags
• We help load up the toys when the organization arrives for pickup
The students are eager to participate in this event. Not only do they get to miss the first half hour of instruction, they have fun and really enjoy doing this for less fortunate children. In total, the students volunteer one hour of their time, from 8:00-9:00 am, and the parents volunteer from 8:00-10:00 am. We love the life lessons our kids learn from this event and plan on doing this next year!
-Kelly Sacchetti, mom and PTA member