A Happy Birthday Earth Day
Crystal Zak held her first Second Chance Toys Collection this month in honor of Earth Week. She has been working along side her two daughters to collect toys and make a difference. Below, Crystal shares the story behind her own Second Chance Toys mission.
My daughters, Haley (4) and Lily (2), have so much and have even bigger hearts. We were inspired by Earth Week because Lily was born on Earth Day, so each year we try and celebrate her birthday in a special way. Haley came up with the generous idea to donate the toys they no longer played with to kids in need. She was very excited to help collect and clean all her old toys. We donated to the local shelter, Hilltop Haven in Paterson, NJ. Haley was very excited to see how much her toys meant to some of the children we saw that day. Even though Haley and Lily are too young to understand their generosity, it melted my heart that I raised such caring kids.