Chicago Kindergarteners from Walt Disney Magnet School Learn True Meaning of The Holidays
This December, Kindergarten students from Disney Magnet School in Chicago got to experience what giving is all about. With the help of Second Chance Toys, the students donated over 100 gently used toys to the Humboldt Park YMCA as part of their Citizenship unit in social studies. Students were encouraged to go home and look for plastic toys that were still in good shape and had all their parts. This was a very daunting task for the five year olds, most of whom had never considered the idea that other children in their own city would not be receiving toys and other gifts this holiday season. The seven Kindergarten teachers organized the drive, and all were quite pleased with the outcome -- seven garbage bags full of toys that would be put to good use at the west side YMCA. "The children really got caught up in the spirit of giving," commented one teacher. "Many students really seemed to step outside of themselves and see things from a new perspective -- which is very challenging for young children and quite rare." The Kindergarten team expects to hold another drive this spring for Earth Week.