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School is Back and Soon Collections Will Be, Too!

School is back!! It’s never too soon to start thinking about involving the students in a lesson on doing good and giving back. One way to get students to think about others and give of themselves is to hold a gently-used plastic toy collection just before the holidays. Parents are looking to clean out the old toys that their children have outgrown before they bring in the new ones!!  What better way to help children in need during the holidays than to hold a collection of gently used plastic toys at your school. The best part is, no one has to go out and buy anything. And the students get to experience the joy of giving something up of their own and are made aware that that there are those less fortunate.

It is a win-win for the school, students, children in need, and the environment!!



Here are some of our favorite tips provided by the PTA members we've worked with in the past on how to start your collection:

  1. Get your PTA involved. They have the manpower to help out.
  2. Get a date on the school calendar approved by the principal.
  3. Once you have a date approved, sign up on the SCT website as a collector.
  4. You will be matched with an organization that needs your toys for deserving children.
  5. Our website has many resource materials found here to help you with #6-10.
  6. Have the PTA e-blast parents several times with collection info and to start saving toys.
  7. Place an article in the school newspaper.
  8. Place fliers with retailers around town.
  9. Have morning announcements running in school 3 days before the collection.
  10. Teachers can use our holiday activity booklet as a springboard for class conversations about doing good and the importance of giving.
  11. Put information on the sign outside your school.
  12. Ask for toys that are plastic ONLY, no small or missing parts and batteries working.
  13. Your collection can be as simple as the first hour or two of school.
    1. Collect on the front lawn as the children walk in.
    2. Take toys from cars dropping off children.
    3. Between 8-10 older students can be selected to help wipe down the toys.
    4. Students can also help tag the toys with messages and bag the toys.
  14. Assign parents to deliver the toys to the organization or arrange to have the organization pick them up.
  15. Let SCT know how many toys you collected and we will post your info with photos.