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Plastics Rule – Especially for Toys

“I just want to say one word to you. Just one. Are you listening?”
“Yes, sir”
“Plastics.”  -Mr. McGuire to Benjamin Braddock in The Graduate (1967) 

It was that thinking, along with a sense of helping the environment, that led to the birth of Second Chance Toys (SCT), and getting used plastic toys into the hands of children in need. Children who probably would NOT receive a toy if not for the efforts of SCT.

Possibly one of the industry leaders along these lines is Little Tikes Inc., based in Hudson, Ohio [Akron area]. Famous for their Cozy Coupe Cars, Cape Cottage Playhouses and other designs. The things simply never wear out! And even with a few scuffs and minor wear and tear, with some tender loving care they can be restored to nearly good as new.

I know this first hand. When we were starting our family years ago, my wife decided to stay home and be a full-time mom. We stretched our single income through garage sales and thrift shops, but by selecting good quality products, that hold up.

Second Chance Toys brings as much joy the second, third and even multiple times around. Especially to a child expecting​ nothing.

Todd Winninger is a Freelance Writer, specializing in volunteer assignments with non-profit organizations. His online portfolio is at He lives in South Florida. ​